Cultural humility

Cultural Humility is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that Cultural Humility must be embedded through all parts of organisations and communities.

It means that we critically self-evaluate our values and beliefs and treat learning as a lifelong process. It helps people of all ethnicities feel more comfortable having difficult conversations about race, oppression, racism and antiracism. Improved Cultural Humility, supported by thoughtful and evidence-based changes to behaviours, processes and policies can significantly improve outcomes for all.

MABADILIKO Cultural Humility 365

We provide opportunities for conversations about race, oppression and antiracism. We create a safe space for personal reflection and making mistakes. Participants learn the truth about the lived experience of others, how to understand and appreciate difference, how to identify and respond to racial discrimination and (micro)aggressions, and how to take risks without violating integrity, self-worth or or the emotional wellbeing of others. As well as building awareness and practicing conversation techniques, we help individuals and organisations identify tangible changes to embed Cultural Humility and antiracism. Using a mix of e-learning, workshops and group coaching, we work alongside you over 3-12 months to ensure that changes stay in place long-term.

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We also provide 1-1 coaching for leaders and people who want to delve deeper into the personal journey of cultural humility and becoming an Antiracist.


We provide 1-1 coaching for leaders, managers and individuals who want to delve deeper into the personal journey of Cultural Humility and antiracism. Over a 6 or 12 week programme, we help you better understand the challenges you may be facing, and identify areas where you can be part of the much needed change.


Advice & Consultancy

We work with senior leaders and management teams to provide advice and guidance on strategic initiatives and can help you plan your future ambitions.


We provide you with an independent view of the prevailing organisational culture relating to diversity and inclusion and help you assess the the risk and impact of discrimination within your organisation.

Making discussions about race the norm

Working with you to give the silenced a voice. 

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