Fighting complicity,
reshaping attitudes

Recent events have made it clear that there is more work to do if we are to eliminate structural racism in our workplaces and communities. 


Antiracism is about ensuring that polices, processes and behaviours actively enable racial equity. 


In our experience people and organisations want to know how to embed antiracism. However they often feel paralysed and do not know where to start. Leaders must respond to the monumental wave of social change that is happening right now. 


Tick box training courses will not address these challenges. 


We are here to help. 


We create behaviour change by providing a safe space for people from all races to discuss uncomfortable issues, self-reflect and learn critical antiracism tools. We work with you long-term, to ensure the changes stick. 


We provide you with an independent view of the prevailing organisational culture relating to diversity and inclusion and help you assess the the risk and impact of discrimination within your organisation.


Making discussions about race the norm

Working with you to give the silenced a voice. 

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